Having a Purpose in Life
The Jesuit priest, Mark Link, has written a series of short meditation books with wonderful stories and metaphors. These booklets are available from Thomas More Publishing www.ThomasMore.com. In one of his meditations he refers to Lord George Macleod whom he quotes as saying: "Is there any greater pathos in our world than the number of youth, miles outside our churches, who are longing for a savior, looking pathetically toward …revolutionaries like Che Guevara…Do you know the hush that comes down when (he) is mentioned? Why no hush for Jesus? Because we have gotten him lost in our violent Establishment in which the Church is seen as ‘part of the show’"
Ecclesiastes says that a life not focused on God is purposeless and meaningless as nothing else can satisfy the hunger of the human soul. That’s why the enormous popularity of the Rick Warren’s best seller Purpose Driven Life. The great St. Augustine said it well in his Confessions of St. Augustine, "You have made us, O Lord, for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."