President Bush Political Appointments
Mr Bush has shown his determination to appoint ideologues to important political posts. He has no interest in naming people with balanced view points and instead names people with a very narrow biased position. As an example, he has now appointed Dr. Eric Keroack head of the Federal Family Planning programs. Keroack is an obstetrician-gynecologist who will supervise a $283 million dollar annual family planning fund which, includes dealing with providing access to contraceptive supplies and information with priority given to low-income persons. Dr. Keroack’s past activities demonstrate an anti-choice and anti-contraception position. To appoint such a person as head of this program is seen as a provocative move by the President. The appointment doesn’t require Senate confirmation.
Mr. Bush has also appointed Lee Raymond, former CEO of Exxon Mobil, as leader of a major study regarding alternative energy. This "fox watching the hen coop" appointment is viewed with apprehension by those concerned about global warming.
In addition, Mr Bush has also recently nominated six candidates for federal bench positions who were previously blocked by Democratic lawmakers which has angered Democratic leaders.
Mr. Bush’s actions in this regard, are consistent with his past appointments, such as John Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. To avoid Congressional hearings for approval, he waited until a Congressional recess in 2005 to appoint him. He did this, even though Mr. Bolton had been on record as saying the United Nations shouldn’t even exist or if it did, the United States shouldn’t belong. He publically dismissed international laws as not applying to the United States and while serving in the U.N. conducted himself as a bull in a china shop resulting in further alienation of foreign leaders. These actions seem to fly in the face of the President’s claim he intends to work in cooperation with the Democratic Congress, but is consistent with his past conduct while in office.