General George S. Patton Jr – Complex Military Genius
I’ve just started reading Alan Axelrod’s biography Patton in which he points out General George S. Patton, Jr was known among his men, in the 3rd Army, as "Old blood and guts" but, they were quick to add: "his guts- our blood." He was also known as the "master of the sword" who said to his men "we fight where we are told and we win where we fight." This complex man was an outspoken racist who also was a devoted Bible reader while being capable of inspired profanity. He was dyslexic and was troubled by periods of profound depression. He was a military genius who read military history and applied the lessons of history to modern warfare. His brilliant command of the 3rd army broke the back of the German army at a critical time in the December through January 1944-1945 Battle of the Bulge during World War II . Throughout his military career he was always on the verge of being relieved of command because of the his impulsive and emotional actions, but saved by his military accomplishments. It’s interesting to observe that there are no Patton commentators who are neutral about Patton. He is either universally admired or universally disliked or even hated. I’m not so sure there is anything wrong with that. It seems better then being middle of the road where the yellow stripe is located. Besides, it’s impossible to accomplish great things without making enemies. After all, even the Bible, in Revelations 3:15, says "I know your works; I know you are neither cold nor hot. So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."