Doonsbury & Republican Hypocriscy About Family Values
Gary Trudeau in his Doonesbury (R) comic strip this Sunday pokes fun at the Republican insistence their party and candidates stand for family values, but the Democrats do not. His character Michael Doonsbury in the comic strip notes that on the Republican side the three front runners, Giuliani, McCain and Ginrich have five divorces among them, and says "four of them were really messy and all of them involving adultery." He then notes that on the Democratic side the three front runners Clinton, Obama and Edwards have no divorces or infidelities so Doonsbury r asks Dr James Dobson, founder of focus on the family, the question "which party represents family values?" Dobson responds: "The Republicans. They don’t support gay marriages" and goes on to say regarding the divorces: "That’s private. That’s between a man and a woman and other woman and sometimes one more woman." An amusing, but very accurate, exposure of the hypocrisy the Republicans engage in to engender religious conservative support.