The National Law Journal reports that immigration judges are continuing to demonstrate inappropriate and unjudicial conduct as I´ve previously reported about. See post for 3/2/07 Two Circuits, the 7th & 8th criticized two more immigration judges for their conduct. In the 7th circuit, Judge Craig Zerbe rejected an immigrants claim of religious persecution and death threats. In doing so, this judge used phrases like "essentially zealots" and other inappropriate comments. He accused them of contributing to their own problems by "their aggressive proselytizing." His conduct was bad enough the Circuit referred him for potential discipline and this is the second time he had been the subject of criticism.
In the 8th Circuit case, an immigration judge relied upon "personal experience" in rejecting asylum request based upon persecution potential because he was a homosexual. The judge said that he could tell the Albanian was not homosexual because "neither his dress, nor his mannerisms, nor his style of speech give any indication that he is homosexual’s" The panel rejected the decision as biased and urged the Attorney General to reassign the case to a new judge, according to the National Law Journal report. Immigrants appearing before these immigration judges deserve to be treated with dignity and Americans should be ashamed of these judges who demonstrate that lack of judicial qualifications by this kind of conduct.