Losing Your Marbles
A high school friend sent me an email with a story about marbles that I found useful to think about. In summary the story dealt with a man who calculated that the average person lives 75 years. He multiplied 75 times 52 weeks in the year and came up with 3900 weekends a person has available during an average life. He was 55 years old so he decided if he lived to be 75 years he had about 1000 weekends left in his life. so he bought a 1000 marbles that he put inside a large clear container at home. He decided that he needed this reminder of time running out and to use his remaining time for things that were important. Every Saturday he would remove one marble to remind him that his available time on earth was less and less. This was to also do things with his family and to help him put things in perspective. Not a bad idea.