Hpocrisy and Robert Bork

Hpocrisy and Robert Bork

Hypocrisy is one of the chief human faults Jesus condemned and which American’s universally hate. Which brings us to Robert Bork who was once nominated for the United States Supreme court as a darling of the conservatives. He stood for all that was conservative. He Borkadvocated tort reform and what he saw as the horror of frivolous lawsuits flooding the civil justice system. He had written that "juries dispense lottery like windfalls" and compared the civil justice system to "Barbary pirates." He advocated caps on damages to stop the shameful practice of seeking excessive verdicts. He was, and continued to be after his rejection for the Supreme Court, the darling of the judicial conservatives and a strong advocate for tort reform who would like to see all civil suits for injuries eliminated in some way.

You can therefore imagine my shock to learn that Mr. Bork had filed his own lawsuit for personal injury seeking "in excess of one million dollars" as a result of a slip and fall at a private club. I re-read the article to make sure I wasn’t mistaken, but, no it was the same Mr. Bork, who apparently believed it made a difference "whose ox was being gored." Invited to speak the Yale Club and while trying to mount the platform he fell hurting his leg and hitting his head. He is suing for millions for the failure to provide a hand rail and stairs.

My, my, how interesting it is to see that tort reformers believe in tort reform only when it doesn’t involve them. You’ll recall the situation with the leading tort reform senator, Trent Lott I reported on (12/4/06) previously? Lott led the insurance industry fight against civil lawsuits and for tort reform. However, when Lott’s home was damaged and the insurance company refused to pay, he wasted no time in suing his insurance company and threatening the industry with political sanctions in the senate in his role as a powerful senator.  Ah yes, hypocrisy, the cardinal sin of man.

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