Good Riddence to Bad Rubbish – Karl Rove Leaves the Whitehouse
"Bush’s brain" has left the building. Karl Rove, the paid consultant to Phillip Morris and propaganda minister to the Bush Whitehorse, resigned before the ship of state sank. I admit I have contempt for this man’s morals and ethics as well as for his total lack of character. I’ve commented about Rove lots of times, (3/17/07) but it’s to be remembered that this man continued as a paid consultant for the tobacco giant Phillip Morris even while acting as an adviser to Texas Governor George W. Bush. In fact, he secretly drafted a poll against Texas Attorney General Dan Morales who served with Bush in an attempt to pressure Morales into not filing a lawsuit against the major tobacco companies. The poll, of course, was financed by the tobacco industry. In spite of this, Rove was never fired or disciplined for obvious reasons. As a presidential campaign adviser he had contempt for the American voter’s intellect. He was quoted as saying: "I run all my campaigns as if people were watching television with the sound turned down. He never thought the people were really paying attention and, I suppose, mostly they weren’t. He left the Whitehouse unrepentant and unpunished for his misdeeds. The truth about his role with Scotter Libby remains under seal. He believes the Democrats are headed for disaster by their attempts to cut off support for Iraq which he still thinks was a good idea. In short, this man was one of the evil empire’s key players and I am glad to see him leave, but I regret his doing so without any accountability for the harm he caused.