Our Spinless Democrats in Congress
Letters to the Editor in the New York Times of August 8th captured my feeling of disappointment in Congressional Democrats as having no backbone at all when it comes to Iraq and the continued intrusion into America’s right of privacy by this administration. As letters in the Times put it:
"To their shame, sixteen Democrats in the Senate and forty one in the House voted to hand the president monarchial powers that the signers of the Constitution had withheld. The Fourth Amendment has served to safeguard citizens against warrantless searches and seizures; this president says instead: Just trust me."
"In their latest display of spinlessness, Congressional Democrats approved another unjustified and probably unconstitutional expansion of presidential power to snoop into private communications."
"Congress goes limp with reputation paralysis and lets the measure pass. When will this congress get the political courage to say "Enough!" to this hubris-sodden imperial presidency?
To that I add "Amen!" The lack of back bone by Democrats in Congress will lead to the election of another Republican president. They should be ashamed of themselves for wasting the political capital they were given by the voters in the last election.