Conflict between Greenspan and Klein Books
Arianna Huffington has written in her blog about Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine: The rise of Disaster Capitalism, compares it to Alan Greenspan’s book, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World. Huffington joins the many other critics of Greenspan’s spin of history in order to cover his compliancy in the disastrous Bush economic policies. She refers to his book tour as the "Greenspan embarrassment tour" and goes on to say:
"Greenspan’s book is another in the growing pile penned by folks who lent their integrity to buttress the Bush presidency, but who now, in horrified hindsight, want it back. Greenspan’s ‘I was against it, even when I acted like I was for it’ attempt at the irrational exhumation of his reputation is laughable, but hasn’t stopped the book from getting massive attention."
As to Klein’s book, Huffington says the book claims post war Iraq was intended to be a proving ground for the Bush administration pet free market theories. The idea was that a privatized Iraq would become a free market utopia that would be an example throughout the Middle East, with democracy reigning supreme. But, we know that never happened.
Huffington referred to an interview of Klein and Greenspan where Greenspan was claiming the war in Iraq was making sure the world’s oil supply wasn’t interrupted. Klein responded:
"Are you aware that, according to the Hague Regulations and the Geneva Conventions it is illegal for one country to invade another over it’s natural resources?"
Yes, that is the real issue. Did the four horseman of death and evil, Bush, Cheney Rumsfeld & Rove, have any clue as to ethical and moral restraints when it came running this country? History proves they did not. They were lacking in any moral compass except exercising their power to follow their self interests of what they decided was right for themselves and America.