Dad’s journey from Canada to Anacortes, Washington was serendipity and what he regarded for his entire life as a total blessing. He was very proud of being a naturalized citizen and an American. This is what he typed back in 1990 about how that came to happen.
"In mid-1918 I took my father to Dr. Ross because dad was having fainting spells at work and at home. There were three doctors who consulted each other and then Dr. Ross said: "Your father can’t stand this 5000 foot altitude. You must take him somewhere at sea level where there is more oxygen such as Vancouver or Nanaimo BC. There are coal mines in Nanaimo and sawmills in Vancouver so you both can find work.."
At time, my brother Salvatore had joined the Salvation Army and had written home years before telling us that he had joined the Salvation Army. He said that he was attending the Salvation Army College in Chicago and would graduate Second Lieutenant. My father was very happy and very proud. So when he got to work he was telling his friends that his son was going to be a Second Lieutenant in the Salvation Army. Many of them had lived in the U.S. and knew what the Salvation Army was. One of them said: " Nicola we don’t want to disappoint you, but do you know what the Salvation Army is?" He didn’t know so they explained that it’s a religious organization and army to fight sin. Then my poor Papa, like a beaten dog said: It’s not a regular Army?" They all said "No."
During supper he could not eat. He said he wasn’t hungry. So, mother said there something wrong. What is it? And he told her. Mamma said we should be proud of him as he’s fighting sin and helping the poor. I was the reader in the family so she said: "Paulino, you write Salvatore and tell him how proud we are of him including his Papa."
Salvatore was sent to Yakima Washington then transferred to Spokane and later to Anacortes. So when Dr. Ross advised us to move Papa she said "You’d better write your brother Salvatore and tell him where were going to move." I did. We immediately got a reply saying: "Why go to Nanaimo or Vancouver? Come to Anacortes Washington. It’s a beautiful place. The San Juan Islands are all around us and there’s a small island called Guemes. It reminds me of Messina in Sicily. You are going to like it and there are many mills and fish canneries all working overtime so they’ll be no trouble finding a job even if you don’t speak English."
We had sold our house in Coleman and the man had made a partial payment. The balance was to be paid to the attorney and sent to us and Anacortes. I was to give him the full paper and the keys to the house. So I remained in Coleman while my father and Antoinettea, who could barely write, were in Anacortes. She sent me a letter saying "Papa and Mamma said to give the man the papers and the keys. It’s beautiful here. Hurry and come."
I was staying at the Coleman Hotel for $.50 a night. I packed my suitcase and left for Anacortes. It was the most wonderful thing I did it my whole life. I could not achieve the success in Canada if I’d stayed there 100 years. I’m proud of Anacortes.
When I got to the border, a place called Kingsway, near Spokane Washington all Canadian passengers were to go to immigration and customs offices. The custom let me pass with my suitcase without opening it. But the Immigration officer looked at me suspiciously and asked: "What nationality? Where you from? Where you going? How much money do you have? Show it to me." I showed him $5.15. He said "That’s not much to live on." I said "I’m going to my parents who live there so I don’t have to worry about food and sleep." I was getting mad and he could see it. I thought you can’t scare me. He half smiled and said that I was admitted for permanent residence and to be a good citizen. So that was my welcome to the USA."
0 thoughts on “MY FATHER BECOMES AN AMERICAN – 1918”
Paul, Thank you for putting the common sense test to this postion by the Church. I have cast many a vote based soley on the premise the our Counrty was founded out of the need for Seperation of Church and State. There are very few absolutes in this world but combining relligion and politics is absolutly a very dangerous mix. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions on sensitive subjects such as this. I guess on persons common sense is anothers conviction. God Bless America for our freedom to express ourselves.
Hope to see you over the Holidays,