Saddam Hussein & Capital Punishment
Saddam Hussein was hanged today. I know the vast majority of people cheered the hanging, but I don’t agree with the state killing people for their crimes, even when it is a brutal dictator like Saddam. I know that is an unpopular view with most people and that the majority of Americans agree with capital punishment, but I believe it should be abolished and punishment of life in prison without possibility of parole substituted in its place. It is true that throughout history people have been killed for violating laws. The methods of inflicting death have varied over time. They have included stoning, drowning, burning at the stake, crucifixion, impaling beheading, lethal gas, injections, electrocution, hanging and shooting. Around the world, as of 2005, seventy eight nations still allow the death penalty and eighty three do not. However, other then Japan, Korea and the United States, few developed countries allow capital punishment and the execution rate in those countries is minuscule compared to the United States. Our neighbors, Canada and Mexico do not allow capital punishment. Nor do the countries of South America. While it is a controversial subject and I am in the minority, I continue to believe that the application of the principle "an eye for an eye"in the long run breeds more violence, is inhumane and is inconsistent with moral standards as well as the standards of this nation.