Jane Wyman & Ronald Regan
Jane Wyman died last Monday. She was 93 years old. She was married to Ronald Regan in 1940 and they later divorced, which explains the bumper sticker during Regan’s campaign for the presidency: "Jane Wyman was right." What I admired about her was her refusal to say anything negative about Regan with the media after he was in politics. She was quoted as saying "…It’s bad taste to talk about ex-husbands and ex-wives… Also, I don’t know a damn thing about politics." After he died, she said: "America has lost a great president and a great, kind, gentle man." Now that’s a classy lady!
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Jane Wyman was 90, not 93, when she died. Source is her official, family-sanctioned website at http://www.jane-wyman.com Excerpt: “Jane Wyman (her professional name) always allowed an aura of mystery to surround her birth date in St. Joseph, Missouri. Even though the date of January 4, 1914 was often given — because, like many people in the film industry, Jane initially wanted to be seen as older for career reasons — the State of Missouri issued a birth certificate for Sarah Jane Mayfield on January 5, 1917 to Manning J. Mayfield and Gladys Hope Christian, a doctor’s stenographer and office assistant. Further proof of Wyman’s current age of 90 is contained in her driver’s license and passport.”