As soon as I saw the photo of my candidate, Obama, with his shoes up showing the holes in the bottom of both shoes I was, well, suspicious. I immediately thought of Adali Stevenson, the Illinois governor (Obama's home state) who was the Democratic candidate for president in 1952 and 1956. Anyone old enough to remember the 1952 campaign would remember the photograph taken of Stevenson with the sole of one shoe showing a hole in it. The hole in the sole became a campaign issue as well as a symbol. Detractors said it was just like the hole in Stevenon's head. Stevenson, who had a great wit, said "Better a hole in the shoe than a hole in the head." It was a big deal back then as Stevenson was seen as an aloof elitist and this was used by his campaign to make him seem more down to earth. So, let's see. Obama's detractors say he is an aloof elitist, just like they said about Stevenson, and Obama just happens to have his feet on the desk exposing two holes in the soles of his shoes just like Stevenson? Hmmmm…….