The Bush Adminstration Tries an End Run Around the Senate regarding Susan Dudley
I reported here about the Bush administration’s arrogance in trying to appoint Susan Dudley to an important regulatory post: The Bush Administration Makes Another Bad Appointment 12/23/06. Dudley is on record as a dyed in the wool anti regulatory zealot. She has not been bashful about her strong hostility to any regulations that would restrict big oil or big business in their search for another dollar in profit. So, the Bush administration decided she would be perfect as the czar who would oversee all federal protective regulations. In July 2006 she was nominated for this important post, but thanks to the loud protests her nomination was never voted on. However, that didn’t stop the Bush administration, they have refused to take "no" for an answer and have renominated her as the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Not only that, the administration plans to name her "senior adviser" to the acting director thereby putting her in a position of power without any Congressional approval in spite of the fact she is unfit to serve in this role. Just another illustration of the arrogance of the Bush administration.
Joan Claybrook, president of Public Citizen correctly pointed out "It is sneaky and underhanded for the Bush administration to skirt the Senate’s approval process. Susan Dudley should not be making any decisions about the federal regulation process – too many lives are at stake." This is not the first "midnight appointments" by this President. He has used other loopholes to avoid the constitutional process of Senate approval in the past. The President of the United States and his vice President have repeatedly demonstrated they have no concern about observance of Constitutional provisions that ensure honesty and balance of power in the appointment of people to important government posts.