Colorful Women of the Twenties
Marian Meade has written a book Bobbed Hair and Bath Tub Gin about Zelda Fitzgerald, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Dorothy Parker and Edna Ferber and their activities during the "roaring twenties." These women were unique. Their life stories are entertaining and unlike any I’m familiar with. I was particularly amused by one of Dorothy Parker’s comments about her relationship with Charles MacArthur. She said to her friends that her poor treatment at his hands was her own fault for "putting all my eggs in one bastard." Parker is my favorite for her intelligence and wonderful wit. As I face daily problems I often think of her line "what fresh hell is this?" When challenged to use the word "horticulture" in a sentence by the round table group at the Algonquin Hotel, she shot back "You can lead a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think." Millay and Zelda were total non conformists who cared nothing about social conformity and are a book by themselves. I wish I would have known all of them.