Here are some quotes from the National Catholic Reporter (http://ncronline.org/) for April 12th:
"How could a guy who is so good on poverty questions, dignity of labor, rejection of torture, be so unnuanced from a Catholic perspective on these fundamental life issues?" Notre Dame Professor Scott Applesby
So, that's still no reason for all the yelling about an invitation to the President to speak at Notre Dame. No said he was being invited to give a lecture on theology. He is, after the leader of the country and if this were Bush people who were objecting to
Bush being invited instead of Obama there would be a tsunami of outrage from the far right
"Over the course of the last decade, attending the basilica…reading the literature, there was a peace in my soul and a sense of well-being in the Catholic Church." Newt Gingrich talking about his conversion to Catholicism
Who would have thought a guy who is Karl Rove's twin would convert to Catholicism? I would just as soon he became a Methodist…!