Well, I've collected some notes from different things I've read so I've decided to share them with you as a random ideas for  whatever benefit you might get from them. Here they are.

Wisdom from The Movies

Jimmy Stewart played the role of Elwood P Dowd in the 1950 movie, Harvey. Elwood offered up this
JIMMY STEWARTadvice: "in this world, Elwood, you must be – she always called me Elwood – in this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant."

Tom Hanks, playing the role of Forrest Gump,  in the 1994 movie offered this advice: "My mamma always said, Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are  going to get." 

Strange Coincidences

Abraham Lincoln's son Robert, was in a crowd on a railroad platform in Jersey City in 1864 when he was pressed against cars of the train by all the people. The train suddenly began to move. A stranger reached out and grabbed Lincoln by his coat collar pulling him to safety from death or serious injury. The stranger turned out to be Edwin Booth who was, at the time, one of America's greatest actors. Lincoln recognized him and thanked him,but Booth had no idea who young Lincoln was. A year later Booth's brother, John Wilkes Booth shot young Robert's father, President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater on Good Friday, April 14, 1865.

Dr Wayne Dyer

Dr. Dyer is a well known motivational speaker who has written numerous books. One of them "The Power  of Intention" has this to offer about ourselves. He writes about how we define ourselves:

"I am what I have. My possessions define me. I am what I do. My achievements define me. I am what others think of me. My reputation defines me." He argues that these are false definitions of who you really are or should be. He suggests we need overcome the need for more possessions and more of everything with contentment with what we have or actually need. Nor should our lives be driven by the need for more achievement. He argues that we should not let what others think of us become a measurement of who we really are. 

He offers advice for what he calls "overcoming ego's hold on you." In part these include: 

(1)    Stop being offended because it leads to attack, counter attack and war.

(2)    Let go of your need to win. The need to win divides everything into winners and losers. The opposite of winning is not losing. There is an attitude and state of contentment without having to win every argument and competition.

(3)  Let go of your need to be right. A lot of conflict and dissension comes from the ego's need to be right every time and in all discussion or argument. Sticking to the need to be right interferes with relationships and your happiness

(4)    Let go of the need to be superior. The need of the ego to be better than other people is a source of conflict and peace of mind.






  1. “Flagrant” not “fragrant”. You’re thinking of when Hugo Chavez appeared at the UN after GWB and said he could tell the devil had been there before him because he could smell sulfur.

  2. I agree that our wars have rarely accomplished what we originally sought. Desert Storm may be a recent exception. And, the excursion into Kosovo probably saved thousands (most Muslim) lives. My perspective is influenced, I am sure, by 23 years of professional military service which took me to wars and “hot spots” all over the world. The military — used properly — can do good. I have seen it. I favor peace but I am not a pacifist. Obama has put himself into a difficult situation. He created a “red line” for the Syrians during an election period speech. The comment was primarily for the benefit of the Israel lobby and made with the anticipation that Assad would never use the weapons even without a threat from the US. So much for assumptions. It’s true that what happens in Syria has little or no bearing on US interests. But, American credibility does. Obama threw down a gauntlet and Assad picked it up and slapped him in the face with it. The Russians, smelling opportunity, have joined in the fray and are seeking to gain influence and portray themselves as a world power when, in truth, they are no more than a regional power. (They miss the good old days). If they can embarrass Obama, so much the better. Whether Obama fires Tomahawks at Damascus or not will likely have little influence on the situation in Syria. It may well have repercussions on future “red lines” where US interests are actually at stake. For example, suppose we announce that Iranian nuclear weapons or North Korean nuclear tipped missiles are “red lines” for America? Both situations have potential national security ramifications for the US. How credible is that ultimatum if Assad gets a pass on gassing civilians? Bluffing can be a very effective political tactic. Machiavelli praised its use 400 years ago. But, you must always be aware that your bluff may be called. How you respond to the called bluff as a political leader can determine whether you are remembered as a great statesman or you wind up as a footnote in an obscure text. Lots of parallels with trial practice, aren’t there?

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