HOLLIS BARNETT 1907 – 1990
My father in law, Hollis Barnett died on March 22nd 1990. He was a unique and wonderful man. You can read about his extraordinary wife Betty Barnett and more about this couple who
I grew to love. https://paulluverajournalonline.com/weblog/2010/03/i-write-this-in-memory-of-my-wifes-father-hollis-hall-barnett-whodied-in-puyallup-washington-on-march-22-1990-at-the-a.html
Hollis Hall Barnett died in Puyallup, Washington at the age of 83. Hollis was born in Buckley, Washington on May 3, 1907 and spent his younger years at Mt. Rainier National Park where his father, Herman "Herm" Burke Barnett, was a National Park Ranger.
Hollis had grown up in the park. and had worked as a temporary ranger in the park while growing up. After high school he went to Spokane to attend Gonzaga University. Hollis met his future wife Betty there when she as a senior at Holy Names High Schoo and he was attending Gonzaga University. At the time he was staying in a boarding house run by Betty’s aunt and they married November 16, 1931 in Seattle where he had found work operating a gas station to support them. Then, in 1937, Hollis was offered the operation of a small gas station located at Longmire inside Mount Rainier National Park so they moved there and lived in a small room above the station.
While working at the gas station in 1937 Hollis learned that land owned by the Park Commissioner Edward Hall was for sale. He decided to buy property located right at the entrance to the park as an ideal location for a resort, gas station and restaurant. The result was the first Gateway Inn featuring hand made log cabins for guests. They lived in a small room in the back and the log cabins were added later to rent to travelers. Their son Devitt was born in 1933, followed by young Hollis in 1939 and then Barbara in 1940. With a growing family began to build a small house next to the restaurant in 1941. Monica was born in 1943 and Lita in 1950. This was a family run resort that served food, sold gas and provided small log cabins for overnight guests. They also rented ski equipment and had a small store inside as well. Everyone in the family worked at the resort.
Later A major flood destroyed the cabins and they had to be replaced in the late 1960's. After many years of working long hours at Gateway Hollis and Betty sold the business and retired to Puyallup where they enjoyed reading and traveling. They had spent their whole married life at the park.
Hollis had the ability to "talk to the animals." Not only animals, but ravens and birds would come out of the woods and fly from trees to come to him. He would talk to them in the noises they instinctively made. It probably also helped that he always had food in his pockets for them. Herds of deer roamed the property and most of them Hollis had named. During hunting season he would grab the males and saw off their antlers to look like a doe instead of a buck with a rack of horns. He would also attach red hats to his favorites so hunters couldn’t shoot them.
Hollis was very entertaining because he knew so many poems and limericks by heart. He would recite them all the way from Mt. Rainier to Tacoma and back where he would drive for supplies. He knew almost all the Robert Service Poems as well as classic English and American poetry. My wife Lita's personal favorite as a child was a poem called “Sugar Tooth Dick" that he could recite. See https://paulluverajournalonline.com/weblog/2011/12/sugar-toothed-dick.html for the poem.
When I think of Lita's dad I think of him with a twinkle in his eyes. They would literally crinkle up and get a smile when he was about to tell a joke and he had hundreds of jokes he loved to tell. He had you ready to laugh before he even told the story or joke and he was a wonderful story teller. He had a wonderful sense of humor and was fun to be with. He was one of those unique thoroughly decent human beings who loved nature and his fellow human beings. When Betty died Hollis was devastated and really never recovered from losing her. She was a very special woman and so was he. I miss them both and wish I could be half the decent and good human being Hollis Hall Barnett was during his life.
My wife Lita wrote this about her father and I thought it should be added to my post about Hollis:
I remember that March day like yesterday. It was clear, chilly, and windy, with white cumulous clouds just flying by in the sky over the Nisqually River. I wondered, was one of them transporting his soul to Heaven, and thought, of Course.. Mom was orchestrating that ride.. It had snowed the night before, at the higher elevation and the Saw Tooth Range had Snow on the tops. The Snow felt right and was comforting, like a blanket to keep him warm.
I was at Mt. Rainier with Patricia, and Paul was in Portland trying a death case of a young student who died climbing Mt. Hood on a Student trip that was required for High School Graduation. . Pat and I were going to drive down to Portland the following day. She was going to visit Tracy and I was going to assist Paul with the Trial . I vividly remember the call but for the life of me, I don’t remember the messenger, just the shocking news? I stumbled out of our cabin, and was planning to go to the old house, but was compelled for some reason to stop at the big Maple Tree between Hollis’s house and the old house and I sat down and cried. That is where Pat found me. I felt blessed I was on the Sacred ground when I got the news and that Pat was with me..
Paul asked for a recess from Trial to attend the Funeral and the Defense Lawyer objected that he was just seeking sympathy and the Judge ruled the trial should go on and Paul never attended the funeral. He has always regretted that. As I am sure you can imagine. That defense lawyer was never forgotten and very much punished for years to come. Lucky for him he was an Oregon lawyer or he probably would have quit practicing law.
I am saying a prayer for a Man who’s eyes twinkled like the brightest stars in the sky. Especially when he was about to deliver the punchline to a joke. Even a joke he had told a zillion times before… and even if you had heard it a zillion times before, when you saw that smile.. and the twinkle in his eyes.. ( Little Gram used to say they looked like 2 little huckleberries in a glass of milk) You could not help but Laugh out loud and feel happy.
As we all know, he was Sentimental to a fault. He would cry at seeing people say goodbye at the airport he didn’t even know, and he bestowed that sentimental gene on me. I remember him waking me up before dawn when we were in Sacramento Visiting Barb and Dave and Damon and David.( Chalice wasn’t yet born). He just couldn’t say goodbye to people he Loved without falling apart, so he quietly packed Mom and me up and we starting driving home before the Beninger family knew we had gone. I don’t think he stopped crying until we reached the Oregon Border.
Rest in Peace Dad. You were loved by many.
Lita Luvera