The Unsung Song
The Reverend Robert Schuller once wrote some prose that capture the feeling I have as get older:
"Spring is past,
Summer is gone,
Winter is here,
and my song that I was meant to sing is still unsung.
I have spent my days stringing and unstringing my instrument"
The other poem, whose author is unknown to me, describes the same regret at not having already accomplished the many things I intended to do, but haven’t yet done:
Just Do it
In youth, because I could not be a singer, I did not even try to write a song; I set no little trees along the roadside, because I knew their growth would take so long. But now from the wisdom that the years have brought me, I know that it may be a blessed thing to plant a tree for someone else to water, Or make a song for someone else to sing"
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I have used & strongly believe in the 80/20 Rule in my life, business and teaching.
The best books on this simple. powerful approach to strategy are – in my opinion – those of Richard Koch. I especially like his “Natural Laws of Power.” Here is a list of his books: