Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 3:28 PM
To: '' Editoral Page Editor
Subject: Sunday Editorial
Ms. Riley:
I couldn’t believe the Times would run an editorial on Sunday “Some advice for Gov. Jay Inslee” after the Times has demonstrated unrestrained bias during the election in its attempt to elect his opponent. The paper abandons its ethical, if not moral, obligation of objective journalism by running full page ads on its own for Inslee’s republican opponent as well as slanted reporting during the campaign only to give advice to Inslee when your candidate loses? Isn’t that total hubris? I would have thought the editorial would have been “an apology to Gov. Jay Inslee.” I think there are probably a lot other subscribers like me who believe the Seattle Times owes its readers as well as the governor an apology for its journalistic misconduct during this past election
Sincerely yours,
Paul Luvera