Wearing face masks will help us avoid infection
Social distancing too, has proven to offer protection
Avoiding strangers and crowds is wise, science pleads
Common sense dictates we follow where science leads
Masks belong on robbers & smiles on humanity
Staying home and avoiding others is a threat to our sanity
Social distancing is a challenge and is depressing
Continual news of Covids toll is even more oppressing
People need to laugh, and they need to cry
People need to hug and to say goodbye
People need to be close and hold one another
People need be able to be with each other
We think we see light at the end of the tunnel ahead
Because we hope vaccines will stop the Covid spread
Vaccines, science says, will stop Covid and make us free
Let’s hope the scientists are right and people agree
For now be grateful for the caring heroes who are courageous
For being willing to serve though the disease is very contagious
For their willingness to serve all those who suffer from the disease
Our prayer is that God may protect them, please
Paul Luvera
Gig Harbor, WA