Joseph D. Jamail is an 88  year old trial lawyer from Houston Texas. Last week Joe and Ron Krist, another Houston lawyer spoke at the International Accademy of Trial Lawyers at a meeting in Newport, California, Lita and I attended. I’ve known Joe and Ron for a number of years through professional
organizations we belong to and both are extraordinary story tellers. They  had the audience entertained
JAMAILand laughing.

Forbes Magazine gives Joe’s wealth at $1.5 billion. His  1985 verdict for his client Pennzoil against
Texaco because of Texaco’s interference with a merger  with Getty Oil  resulted in a $10.5 billion dollar  jury verdict.

One of the stories Joel told was about Houston criminal defense lawyer Perce Foreman, 
who was himself a notorious character. Percy sued for neck and back injuries  from a rear end collision.
Percy had testified  he had no previous neck or back problems only to have the defense lawyer, on cross examination, bring out nine previous hospitalizations  and considerable treatment for  his neck and back. Joe says he asked Percy  on re-direct why he had lied to the jury and Percy said “Oh, Joe, I didn’t
think it was important enough to mention.” In argument, Joel told  them jury that Percy had been a great trial  lawyer throughout his life, but now he was an old man who was growing  senile, which is why he hadn’t told them about the past medical  problems. At that moment,  Joe said, Percy jumped up and yelled at him: “You goddamed son  of a bitch.! Joe, looked at the jury and said: “See  what I  mean? He doesn’t even  know where he is right now.” The jury awarded  the full  $75,000 Joe had asked for.

I’m starting a jury case this week, Hpefully  if  we get a courtroom, so I  may be late in keeping  this blog current.


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